The CFS and Revosteel Technology

CFS is the acronym in English for "Cold Formed Steel".
Cold-formed steel has been widely used in building construction, ranging from residential houses to industrial buildings.
RevoSteel is an industrial company that, thanks to its know-how, studies, designs, and manufactures structures with a high technological content, surpassing traditional techniques based on the use of reinforced concrete and bricks.
RevoSteel believes in the research and development of CFS due to its numerous advantages over other construction materials.
Types of Structural Steel
In construction, there are primarily two types of structural steel: hot-rolled steel and cold-formed steel (CFS) shapes and profiles.
Hot-rolled steel shapes are formed at high temperatures, while cold-formed steel (CFS) structures are manufactured at room temperature using a process that does not involve water and is highly environmentally sustainable.
Cold-formed steel structural elements are commonly produced from steel plates, sheet material, or strips.
The production process involves forming the material through cold bending and roll-forming to achieve the desired shape.
Cold Roll-Forming

Cold roll-forming is the most commonly used method for producing roof, floor, and wall panels, as well as for manufacturing structural components.
During the cold roll-forming process, sheet material is fed longitudinally through a series of rollers, each progressively shaping the sheet until the desired form is achieved.
When steel is formed through press bending or cold rolling, a change occurs in the material's mechanical properties due to the cold working process.
Since the cold working generated during forming increases the steel's strength, this allows the designer to treat the formed steel as a stronger material.
It is often possible to calculate a weighted average of the post-forming strength of the cross-section and use this higher value as the overall strength of the steel.
In general, the high-strength low-alloy and carbon steel grades used for cold-formed steel products are characterized by two main properties: yield strength and tensile strength. Other important properties include ductility, hardness, and weldability.

The yield strength of steels commonly used for cold forming ranges from 33 to 55 ksi (230 to 380 MPa) and can be even higher.
Tensile strength and ductility are important due to their relationship with formability and the local deformation requirements of bolted and other types of connections.
Cold-formed structures can be used for entire buildings, including complete roof, floor, and wall systems.
They can also be used as individual framing elements such as studs, joists, and truss members.
From a structural perspective, cold-formed steel can serve as both a primary and secondary structure. An example of cold-formed steel used as a primary structural element is a load-bearing wall with steel studs.
Exterior wall finishes are usually secondary structures since they rely on primary structural elements for support.
There are two main types of products: profiles and structural panels. A variety of cold-formed structural elements exist in different shapes, which RevoSteel is capable of designing and producing.